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By A. Kronstadt

In looking at the ill-omened election of 2024, all that we can predict is that freedom will suffer under either of the parties of the ruling class.

Under the Democrats, with a capital D, meaning the Democratic National Committee, the connection with democracy becomes more and more tenuous. This is the party of Calif. Gavin Newsom who was photographed in his shirtsleeves throwing homeless people's property into garbage bags on Sat. Aug. 10, 2024. Under the Democrats, local governments have made rents unapproachable by subsidizing mega-landlords who are Democratic donors, and instead of representing the people who have been cast into the urban abyss, from San Francisco to New York the homeless are being met with handcuffs and garbage trucks. These pols got their OK from Trump's right-wing Supreme Court to cleanse the victims of their policies off the streets, and went right to work because they are the representatives not of the people but of a ruling class that wants its property values protected. For the people in the street it will be the same in Democrat land as in Trump land because this is what has been decided in the closed board rooms where politicians meet with their donors.

But, you ask, what about Trump...? We'll be getting to the big fool, but we are not yet finished with the Democrats.

The Democrats are the party of senators and congressmen who cheered Benjamin Netanyahu as he stated his most warlike intentions from their very own podium, with presidential annointee Harris front and center. This is a party that would rather play brinkmanship with Iran than pressure Netanyahu, who as recipient of the American taxpayer's largesse is supposed to be a little bit more humble, into a cease-fire.

Let us remember that WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam all started under Democratic regimes. When the ruling class wants war, they will rely on the Democrats to provide an ideological context and make the war look like a liberal thing. Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey, the architects of Medicare and the “Great Society,” were also the architects of the Vietnam War. It was only after the Democrats self-destructed that Nixon was brought in to run the show.

Now, we can discuss Donald Trump. The Democrats, as they present themselves, are the normal ones and Trump is weird. There is some truth to this, but before picking apart the superficial differences among ruling class politicians we must recognize their fundamental unity. Harris and Trump have both been meeting [probably separately] in those closed boardrooms with the most wealthy movers and shakers, and each of these pols has pledged to do the most to protect the investments and imperial interests of the super-rich. The Dems pledge to ethnically cleanse the streets of the homeless, and the the Republicans pledge to clean out even more homeless; Harris is going to get rid of illegal immigrants and Trump is going to get rid of illegal immigrants and some of the legal ones; Harris recognizes Israel's right to “defend itself” by massacring 40,000 people, and Trump wants to “finish the job” meaning complete the genocide and clear out the Palestinians altogether. You get the picture—Harris is the frying pan and Trump is the fire.

So, the Shadow is not endorsing any candidate.

Trump is a red herring, meaning that he is a rotten fish that has been dragged across the political trail to confuse the senses of the people. Nobody can smell anything except for his stench: and hence the Democrats can lower their own standards of personal and political hygiene.

Trump needs to be met with satire and ridicule, which should indeed be applied also to the people who follow him, for their own good. The image of old ketchup face rising from the floor with his fist in the air, with all of the boobs immediately breaking into a chorus of “USA, USA,,” is a disturbing one reminiscent of Hitler's Nuremburg rallies. Trump's choice for veep, Jed Clampett, is a good man to rebel against since he couches his ideology in terms meant to insult urban people like ourselves—we do not need any fool senator or vice president to tell us whether we should have children or not.

Remember the words of Mark Twain:

Power, money, persuasion, supplication, persecution--these can lift at a colossal humbug--push it a little--weaken it a little, century by century; but only laughter can blow it to rags and atoms at a blast. Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.”

It is not however only Trump who is guilty of colossal humbug. The Democrats too deserve to be laughed off the stage even though what they are doing is not funny. The mainstream Democrats are the people who support deadly war against civilians while quibbling about pronouns. They want to indoctrinate children against the slavery and racism of the past while their politicians perpetuate the most deadly trans-oceanic imperialism right here in the present. Trump and Vance are reactionary humbugs, while the Dems are hypocritical humbugs. The reaction and hypocrisy are always in the interest of the ruling class.

The ruling class are the people who meet with political figures privately. Whatever ideological motives are expressed by the politicians are just the public face of what has been exchanged privately in the boardrooms, which are indeed more secure from the press and the people than their bedrooms.

The boardrooms are not a conspiracy theory. They are physical places with soundproof walls and comfortable chairs, and the rich guys and politicians eat elegant snacks and decide what they are going to do about us, and what rewards their lackies will get for doing it. It is only when they slip up and leave their e-mails lying about, as Hillary Clinton did, that we get a look at what is going on. They are the ruling class and we have known who they are for a long time—the rich people who own everything. This is not a conspiracy theory--it is social science.